What We Offer
JFS offers a variety of social services for individuals and families of all religions, ethnicities, and backgrounds. We strive to empower people at home, in the workplace, and in the community through a holistic array of programs, which aim to promote wellness and self-sufficiency.
Click on each program to learn more.
Our Senior Services promote the physical, mental, and social health of senior adults. JFS offers several programs to provide adequate nutrition, community connectedness, Medicare education, and more so that seniors can remain as healthy and independent as possible during their golden years.
The Immigration and Citizenship program is accredited by the US Department of Justice to provide low-cost immigration services. We offer assistance in filing various USCIS applications, including family visa petitions, work authorizations, green cards, travel documents, citizenship applications, and more. We also offer free citizenship classes to help permanent residents prepare for the US naturalization test. Vocational and adjustment services are also available to asylees and refugees through our Refugee Program.
Our kosher food pantries are open to all residents of Middlesex county regardless of religion. Shelf-stable food is available year-round, with bags distributed based on family size, ages of family members, and nutritional requirements. Baby supplies such as formula and diapers are also available. Pick-up is by appointment only; call 732-777-1940.
The Career Center works with unemployed or underemployed job seekers from all backgrounds. Our career specialists provide individualized counseling focused on resume and cover letter writing, using the Internet for job searching, interview practice, networking strategies, career planning, and more.
The JFS Women’s Center helps women who are working to become economically self-sufficient after the loss of a partner through divorce, separation or death, or after a partner becomes disabled. Many displaced homemakers struggle to enter or re-enter the workforce; we provide individualized coaching to help women set personal goals, identify community resources, and advance professionally.
Our Counseling Services provide professional behavioral health therapy to assist individuals, couples, and families in addressing the challenges in their lives. All therapists are fully licensed by the State of New Jersey. Our therapists are trained to assist people in coping with a wide variety of issues offering practical strategies to improve day-to-day life. We provide a comprehensive psychosocial assessment for all consumers, along with consistent, caring therapy designed to make substantive life changes. Groups are offered based on consumer need and addressing a variety of topics. We accept Medicaid, Medicare, and many insurances.

Jewish Family Services & You
“Thank you for treating my mother very nicely. She always enjoys the ladies that come to the door. It is the highlight of her week. The food is for the body but the ladies there are for my mothers soul and it always delights her.” – Marie S, daughter of Kosher Meals on Wheels recipient
Are you looking for help or do you know someone who needs help? Do you want to volunteer your time or make a donation?